Stay a healthy weight and try not to eat more than 6g of salt a day - that’s about one teaspoon

Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity 5 days a week. Pick something you enjoy like gardening or swimming

Stay hydrated and avoid excess alcohol so your kidneys can do their job properly (dialysis patients may need to restrict their fluid intake)

If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, make sure you keep them under control

Stop smoking. It slows the blood flow to your kidneys so they don’t work as well

Take drugs like ibuprofen with caution and seek advice because they can sometimes harm your kidneys
Our sources: www.worldkidneyday.co.uk | www.kidneyresearchuk.org | www.kidneycareuk.org | Kidney Health Inequalities in the UK Report 2018 | www.renalreg.org | www.cancerdata.nhs.uk